Are you social? Persuasive? Do you like using the game’s chat? Well, now you can help the guild grow and strengthen by joining Eternal Heralds cadre and recruiting! The Eternal Heralds, the Elite recruiting cadre of The Eternal Order, has the vital purpose to recruit the next generation of members into the guild!
Meetings are Tuesday at 5:30 pm PT at the Guild Stronghold.
Lead: Trip O'brien
Co-Leads: Qualkedni, Eta'ki, Zairsunrider, Soldierkatarn, Cy'press, Althin'dioness, Muecci, Reik'est, Prinsesa-Meymey
Lead: Ezri Jaro
Co-Leads: Furbojo, Zi-kin, Eclipsesunrider, Bountykatarn, A'shtyn, Althin'disa, Katatis, Reikest, Prinsipe-Eyron
Recruiting Procedure
Welcome to The Eternal Heralds, the recruitment cadre of our guild, The Eternal Order.
Here is our recruiting procedure for use by a Herald: (Please contact Heralds officer to join the Eternal Heralds before recruiting)
Example Guild Ads
Want to join a Top Social PvE/PvP/RP guild? <The Eternal Order> has Flagship, Guild Bank and Yavin HQ!. We are a friendly and active guild that will help you do leveling/RP/OPS/World Boss hunts/races and much more. Whisper me to join!
<The Eternal Order> is looking to grow its vast army. Are you ready to be part of the quickest growing & powerful guilds? Recently #1 in conquest on <planet name here> and not stopping there. We do it all, RP, PvE, PvP. Whisper me to start your Eternal experience.
Guild Recruitment Interview
If someone responds, start off by asking them questions from the guild recruitment interview, one at a time. An affirmative response is expected to all questions.
Start off with: As per procedure, I would like to ask you 3 questions. Is that ok?
Would you enjoy attending or participating in guild events such as races, tournaments, social/RP events, datacrons, meetings, contests, lotteries, World boss hunts and so forth?
We would hope they say “yes”, but often they will say something like “if I have time”. That’s fine, just tell them we understand that RL> games. While we are not an RP guild (mainly Social PVE guild), we DO have some RP events and meeting Sunday 6 PST. We remain social, yet dominating in conquests and ops. We are coming up with new types of events all the time. Remember we are not an RP guild, but DO have some regular RP events.)We are looking for loyal long-term members. If you agree with our values, would you be willing to make this your primary guild for the foreseeable future, and eventually move your alts into it?
The focus here is on our guild being the one they spend time and effort on, and mainly we are looking for “long term loyalty”, on both sides preferably but Republic Side mainly. If they cannot commit to that, after a period of time getting to know us as a group, they will not become an asset to the guild as a whole. Our values are mutual assistance, cooperation, loyalty, friendship, courtesy, respect among others. While some people have no alts yet, eventually EVERYONE does. You might find that someone is already in a guild, but that they are unhappy there due to inactivity or some other reason. While we don’t seek to remove people from other guilds, it is ultimately their decision. To leave their current guild they have to open a chat line and type /gquit then hit enter. They should then be able to accept our guild invite.We pride ourselves on our respectful environment. Are you capable of remaining polite in chat, refraining from profanity, and showing respect to those in authority? Would you help people if need be?
The last question is the most important one, and I often tell them that up front. It is the only question they must commit to, they MUST answer YES. We want both Socially cooperative and people who can control themselves and be respectful here. If they say no, be polite and tell them that we are not the guild they are looking for. “I am afraid this will not be a good fit for you, but I wish you well in future.”
Inviting to the Guild
Each new recruit is welcomed to the guild.
Before recruiting, announce in guild chat: Prepare to welcome a new member!
Then, type the following into the chat window: /ginv CharacterName. The shortcode /ginv is the command to invite characters to the guild. You may need to look up special characters/alt codes if the character has any in their name.
Once they accept the invite, state: Welcome to The Eternal Order!
Heralds Requirements
To maintain a Herald status and privileges, Heralds must recruit 5-10 players weekly at minimum. Recruit names to be mail to the Heralds Lead.
Herald Ranks
This is the in cadre promotion method:
Senatus Prime (Lead)
Senator (Co-lead)
Ambassador (99+HD)
Consul (55HD)
Envoy (40 HD + 4 weeks)
Dignitary (30HD + 3 weeks)*^(eligible for Officership)
Veteran Herald (20HD + 2 weeks)
Herald (10HD)
Apprentice Herald (Start)
Recruitment Tips and Tricks
A few tips, tricks and things to remember as our rules:
DO NOT SPAM CHAT! No walls of text. One shout out every 10-15 minutes or so is enough. If you spam you get ignored, you get reported, make people angry, and they see us in a negative light so Just DON’T.
There is never any excuse for not being polite. Discourtesy makes our guild look bad. It won’t add to your totals either. Ignore the hecklers. Never respond to them. Don’t feed the trolls. It just encourages them and others like them. If you actually add them to your ignore list, chances are good they won’t show up in your groups or guild later. Win/win!
Be aware of your chat BEFORE you shout out. If another Herald/recruiter from our guild has been working that planet/chat channel, don’t try to move in on them. Doing so will be grounds for progressive discipline per guild guidelines. If that planet is “taken”, ask to work as a team with the other recruiter, move to a different planet or try again at a later time. There is no reason everyone has to work the same place all the time. You can check in Heralds chat to see which planets are being recruited on. No one has “dibs” on any one planet/time/channel. First come, first served. If you find you have a regular problem finding a place/channel to recruit in, please let your superiors know.
Sometimes you will have hecklers, or people trying to run down you or our guild in chat as you recruit. NEVER start answering them in kind, using profanity, or engaging them in a shouting match. Best to ignore them and continue on with your business. Don’t let the drama addicts draw you into their vortex of negativity. Remain calm and above all that. If it really bothers you, move from that zone, whisper a superior, or take a break and log out of game. Don’t let those types of people harsh your calm! Nothing in this game is worth that. Just remember your good manners and carry on.
Don’t forget to get credit for your work, you MUST send the mails to either Chief Herald Rihs Hammer or GM True! Or whisper when we are online(if F2P) or after Eternal Heralds meeting.
Don’t get upset if you get demoted for not meeting quota. We appreciate you efforts and therefore will only demote in cases where there is no effort for more than 2 weeks. You can always win back the rank. And remember, if you know you won’t be able to recruit for a few days, you CAN do some extra work and get some extra credits applied towards your next week’s totals. Each week leads deduct 10 from your total. Anything left is applied to the next week.
Don’t forget to attend cadre meetings (Tuesday 5:30 pm) and guild meetings. Quota discussion, promotions, changes to the guidelines will all be discussed there.
Be sure you are registered on the guild website and check it frequently. Use your “main” toon’s name there. This orientation, meeting notes, news and changes will all be posted there on a Heralds page soon.
Don’t be afraid to ask your superiors for help in resolving issues, fine-tuning your technique, answering questions and addressing concerns. They have been where you are now and are eager to assist you. The stronger each of us is, the stronger we are as a team! Always remember that YOUR success is part of what keeps your superiors at THEIR rank as well.
Starter planets are always easiest to recruit on: Coruscant, Tython, Ord Mantell, Nar Shaddaa, and Taris. Also Fleet is also a good source.