Forge, our crafting cadre where anyone can help support the guild with gear and other items and be part of the hidden armory supplying those on the front lines with supplies.

Forge Meetings:

Thursday 5:30 pm PT. As a cross-faction cadre, meeting alternate between imperial and republic sides. Meetings are held in the guild ships and strongholds.


Lead: Bak'sun

Co-Leads: Zivizza, Ting Tsao, Bigstorm, Eta'ki, Antøñ, Rylana-dionysis


Lead: Makren

Co-Leads: Rackmaninov, Waen, Chicomalvado, Zi-kin, Antøn, Kailianna

Guidelines and Requirements

Forge is one of the only cadres to have a weekly quota requirement for membership. However, these quotas are usually easy to meet. Each week, members should send in one of the following options to a Forgemaster (Lead or Co-Lead):

War Supplies

Our guild needs a steady supply of War Supplies so that everyone can collaborate and craft invasion Force for CQ. Therefore all Forge members are required to make at least 3 war mats for the Guild:

This is the list of things that the guild also needs but they aren't required, just encouraged if you can make them for us. Mail supplies to a forge colead (CLFO) for FORGE points. 


Delta Cadre Supplies

Cadre Dyes


Forge ranks are in-cadre and assigned through the accumulation of forge points (FO). There are six ranks total.

5FO: Gatherer

15FO: Crafter

20FO: Smith (Dark Red and Medium Purple Dye)

30FO: Fabricator

40FO: Alchemist

50FO: Masterbuilder

*Forgemasters are leads