If you’d like to support guild the guild in a larger way, through funds and prizes for our many events, you can join our Finance cadre! If interested, contact a finance officer (LDFN or CLFN in member notes).
Republic Finance Officers:
Lead: Laffy Nine
Co-Leads: Ting Tsao, Eta'ki, Noriya, Kap'iushon, Anton, Trip O'brien, Reddyan, Arisarna, Soldierkatarn, Vamarayne
Imperial Finance Officers:
Lead: Lacey Nine
Co-Leads: Waen, Zi-kin, Anelder, Kap'ture, Anton, Ezri Jaro, Eben Khor, Arisark, Bountykatarn, Vamarain
Joining Finance
There are 2 options to pursue in Finance:
Finance Officer (FO) track: 3 Million credits and 3-4 Cartel Market items weekly for Guild Giveaways OR a Cartel PACK.
Mail quotas to Laffy Nine for credit
2 weekly Finance Officer quotas result in Colonel promotion
Must have full group of 4 players when completing
One planet’s worth of Galactic Command heroics twice a week
OR five random missions twice a week
Junior Finance Officer (JFO) track: Mail 500k credits a week and 2 Cartel Market items weekly.
Mail quotas to Laffy Nine for credit.
4 quotas make a JFO eligible for promotion, but they either have to take on a secondary officer responsibility or shift to FO responsibilities to be promoted.