Attention Eternites! Concord is accepting new members! Join Concord, stand on your own two feet, make a difference, make friends that last a lifetime, find out what you’re capable of, and become a better you.

Concord is the Eternal Order's force for the betterment of all members of the guild by assisting people like you in your missions and daily endeavors. We are the Order’s search and rescue cadre that specializes in helping you with all your missions: flashpoints, heroics, just leveling, you name it! We are the helpline of The Eternal Order! The Concord cadre is always looking for vigilant Eternites to join our team.

Meetings: Mondays at 5:30 pm PT on the Guild Flagship, Command Deck, Right Room. Meetings alternate between Republic and Imperial factions weekly. 

Republic Concord: 

Leads: Kap'iushon

Co-Leads: Bak’sun / Geautier / Berryon / Arisarna / Tika Waylan / Cy'press / Althin'dioness / Amsadnen / Korru Tama / Valvalecia / Valka Lessu

Imperial Concord:

Leads: Kap'ture 

Co-Leads: Makren / Geauxviolet / Arisark / Doodle Bug / A'shtyn / Althin'disa / Halkto / Berry'suspicious / Anndrominda / Lakota / Resa'bin'arri

Concord's Mission

The goal of Concord is to help both veteran and new players with a wide variety of things, whether in flashpoints, warzones, or story mode missions even answering questions all your SWTOR and Star Wars questions and needs.  

Concord Points and Cadre Ranks

How You Can Help

Concord only requires a willingness to help a guildmate in need, whether it's on missions or just providing important information about the game and guild. Concord encourages guildmates to try and help at least three (3) people a week.

What kind of missions can you help people with? Any! We always have Eternites asking for help in Guild chat.

No one asking for help and you want to earn Concord points? Start your own event with flashpoints/heroics (preferably related to Conquest). It is crucial that all Concord members take the initiative and help anyone in need, whenever someone asks for it.

Earning Points

You earn 1 Concord point per a mission you help a guildmate with. Those Concord points will help you earn internal cadre promotions and rewards! Rewards include the Concord dye White and Medium Red Dye Module, promotion through the internal ranks of Concord, as well as chances to win other prizes and giveaways simply by attending Concord meetings or helping the most guildies each week.

Concord Ranks

Concord ranks are assigned based on the number of Concord (CN) points you've earned. You can check your points at any time in-game by opening the guild roster and looking at your member notes. The ranks are as follows:

How do you earn these so-called Concord points? You mail a concord lead or co-lead (listed above) that you helped someone with the details. It's as simple as that!

Additional Information